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"Greifen (Chupetes)" Included in MEM Festival in Bilbao


A brand new interactive work of mine, Greifen (Chupetes), is included in Bibao’s 2019 MEM festival of experimental art. The work will be included in the exhibition “Visions” at Sarean from November 12 through December 4th.

Greifen (Chupetes) is part of my project Pure Luxury that I have been working on for all 2019.

“The main title (Greifen) for this series of works comes from an interview I did with someone in Zurich who discussed the luxury of working with his hands after years of working only digitally. Greifen also responds to many people who discussed their mobile phones as luxuries in interviews with me or in their responses to surveys I distributed.” 

Heather Kapplow is a self-trained conceptual artist based in the United States. Kapplow creates engagement experiences that elicit unexpected intimacies using objects, alternative interpretations of existing environments, installation, performance, writing, audio and video. Kapplow's work has received government and private grants and has been included in galleries, film and performance festivals in the US and internationally. 

Kapplow is currently an artist in residence at BilbaoArte. Greifen (Chupetes) is a part of a larger, research-based art investigation called Pure Luxury, which will be presented at BilbaoArte in December 2019.

Zurichen elkarrizketatu nuen pertsona batek zera aipatzen zidan, urteetan bitarteko digitalekin lan egin ondoren zer nolako luxua zen berarentzat eskuekin lan egitea, eta hortik dator seriearen titulu nagusia (Greifen). Neronek elkarrizketatzean edo neuk banatutako inkestetan beren sakelakoak luxuzko objektutzat aipatu dituzten hainbati ere erantzuten die Greifenek (Zupakiak).

Heather Kapplow Estatu Batuetan basea duen artista kontzeptual autodidakta da. Ustekabeko intimitateak azalerazten dituzten engaiamendu-esperientziak sortzen ditu, objektuak, ingurune errealetako interpretazio alternatiboak, instalazioak, performancea, idazketa, audioa eta bideoa erabiliz. Kapplowren lanak gobernuaren eta erakunde pribatuen diru-laguntzak jaso ditu, eta galerietan nahiz film eta performance jaialdietan erakutsi da, EEBBetan zein nazioartean.

Kapplow artista-egonaldia egiten dago BilbaoArten. Greifen (Zupakiak) ikerketan oinarritutako esplorazio artistiko zabalago baten parte da: Pure Luxury izena du eta Bilbaoarten aurkeztuko da 2019ko abenduan.